Stronghold: Definitive Edition

Stronghold: Definitive Edition

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LotR Helm's Deep, the Hornburg
Game Type: Invasion
Difficulty: Hard
Balanced: Balanced
File Size
1.071 MB
5 Jan @ 1:39am
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LotR Helm's Deep, the Hornburg

This is a remaster using new features from the Definitive Edition of the original map by Talos_911, check out the original map from 2003 here[]
I updated the terrain and surrounding mountains, added the Dike Wall, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas (near the "sewer gate" at the main wall, try to keep them alive for a bonus challenge), the tower where Helm's Horn is located is now accessible (his ghost might also be around), changed the map to "invasion" for more options and the Rohirrim are now on their way as reeinforcements to relief the defenders by first light of the fifth day (year)
I recommend to play this on hard/very hard for the best and most fun experience

Helm's Deep, named for Helm Hammerhand, was a fortified gorge in the White Mountains located below the Thrihyrne. It lay near the Westfold and was the location of the Hornburg. It was later made famous by the Battle of the Hornburg, a major battle of the War of the Ring.

Helm's Deep was first known to be settled by the Men of Gondor, who constructed the Hornburg during the Second Age. When Calenardhon was given by Gondor to the Éothéod during the rule of Eorl the Young, it became a stronghold of the Rohirrim and was called Súthburg.

During the Long Winter of TA 2758-2759, Helm Hammerhand and a contingent of Rohirrim soldiers took shelter in the Súthburg. It was at this time that the gorge and fortress were renamed in honour of Helm and his horn.

In the year TA 3019, during the War of the Ring, King Théoden of Rohan led a force from Edoras to the Hornburg to take refuge from the impending attack of Saruman's army. It was then that the Battle of the Hornburg was fought, which ended in victory for Rohan after Erkenbrand and Gandalf arrived with reinforcements. Following the beginning of the Fourth Age, Gimli founded a Dwarven colony in the Glittering Caves, becoming Lord of the Glittering Caves for a time.

Artwork by Ralph Damiani and the Official LotRO Art Team
StopFlaming  [author] 16 Feb @ 1:07am 
thanks, means alot :)
Alex_S 16 Feb @ 12:56am 
Thanks a lot! Yours are great too:) Especially your version of Minas Tirith (even the old one) - one of the best in my opinion.
StopFlaming  [author] 16 Feb @ 12:53am 
I'll play it soon, must have slipped by - I played most of your maps, they are incredibly well done
Alex_S 16 Feb @ 12:50am 
I added to mine version (can also test now!), but later deleted them as they are not really functional. Anyway, the wooden palisade is cute!
StopFlaming  [author] 16 Feb @ 12:49am 
true, that would be another nice easter egg :)
Alex_S 16 Feb @ 12:46am 
This map is so old, I remember passing it 15 years ago... Why didn't you add Huorns?
StopFlaming  [author] 5 Jan @ 1:13pm 
Ok :sadelf:
Lord Pupskopf 5 Jan @ 9:21am 
Joa kann man machen. aber zu einfach:steammocking: