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Sisyphus I
Types: Machines
Machine Categories: Advanced
File Size
704.004 KB
16 Feb @ 2:47pm
17 Feb @ 9:20pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Sisyphus I


Description + How to Use
A sturdy, bounding box sized vanilla motorcycle, excels at climbing angled surfaces (especially sandbox mountains), uses no dlc blocks.

It is powered by both wheels, steers by rotating the front wheel (+ a stabilized reaction wheel), leans into longer turns.
Steer by holding down forwards (W) and a steering key (A/D) at the same time.

The machine also uses active and passive stabilizers to stay upright in all situations, if you managed to flip it over and the stabilizer is oscillating after recorrection, tap R/F;ALT or W/S a few times to help it stabilize by engaging the pitch reaction wheels in order to stop the oscillation.

Can take 20m+ falls as long as it lands on the front wheel, use R/F;ALT to rotate the machine while mid air to control the landing (let go of movement keys while doing this). Can also use these keybinds for better traction while climbing surfaces, or while rolling down angled ones.

It has downwards pitch torque by default while driving, can be adjusted by changing values on the two mirrored side reaction wheels.

The wheels don't have much traction and the front wheel is not perfectly rigid, so make sure to correct drifting by tapping steering keys (A/D) if you wish to drive straight after turning; holding them longer than 0.24s will cause the vehicle to start leaning in for a turn.

The kickstand is not attached by default (it is easier to climb sharp surfaces without it - it can get stuck), but just drag it 3 units to the motorcycle to attach it if you wish to use it. The logic blocks are stored in a balloon.

Change the suspension values if needed, braces can also be duplicated if you wish to reinforce it (the machine does not rely on any braces to hold the structure together, but they add rigidity).
Total pieces used: 313 Piece count excluding pins: 263 Machine mass: 120.25 with kickstand Top speed: 100+ km/h

  • Drive forwards/backwards: W/S
  • Steer left/right: A/D

  • Manual pitch up/down: R/F;ALT

  • Kickstand leg: X
  • First person cam: 1

If you get the bug saying "intersecting ground" when trying to spawn in, just click one of the glass panels then click off to fix it.
backstabbin' 21 hours ago 
this is sick
caat 21 Feb @ 8:43am 
how do we use this?
rd  [author] 19 Feb @ 6:36pm 
There is a 2137 character long description and manual on how to use it, which we both know you completely ignored - paragraph 3 and 4 are relevant.

By the way, the only way to flip this machine that I found was from driving off edges and uneven surfaces without manually controlling your landing, and even in those cases it automatically stands up within 1.5 seconds, send clips of any edge cases that disprove this if they need fixing.
em 19 Feb @ 4:43pm 
it just keeps flipping it dont work
[Friend] brooke 19 Feb @ 3:24pm 
Awesome! Thank you for making this. I love motorcycles and Besiege and am I excited to use your mod to learn how to make one of my own in this little game. Hope you have a great week.
rd  [author] 16 Feb @ 4:49pm 
Royal_Throck 16 Feb @ 4:42pm 
can it beat perfect cell?