Space Engineers

Space Engineers

MA PocketGear
AutoMcDonough  [author] 4 Jul, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
should be able to use it on server anyway? well if it is hidden i won't notice or care. normally i try to limit uncontrolled copies but for this one only updates will be maintaining the script. or getting skins to work if i wanna redo the models.
Sardaukai 29 Jun, 2024 @ 5:29am 
Great mod!
Exactly what we are looking for! Especially the MagPlate.
Is it possible to get a MagPlate-only mod (without the script)? Or do you allow uploading a hidden mod linked to your work?
So we are able to use it for our server ;)
Syllestria~ 12 Jun, 2024 @ 8:35am 
as for it not working, we (me and a friend) are able to reproduce it both ways (thought it was a linux problem but every other mod we have works), mod works fine in singleplayer but multiplayer the whole world doesnt load for client while host is fine, client will be stuck in the abyss with no access to any menus other than the esc menu. we love this mod and would love to see the multiplayer get fixed.
Mabs 23 May, 2024 @ 5:47am 
Haven't played lately but thanks for keeping up with it.
🅂🄸🅂🄺  [author] 20 May, 2024 @ 1:47pm 
Okay, I checked the mod in the current Space Engineers version and it works fine for me, except for the known load capacity issues
🅂🄸🅂🄺  [author] 20 May, 2024 @ 10:26am 
Okay, I will look at it.
I'm not actively playing space engineers anymore, so I have to count on you to tell me that's not working anymore.
Freely 19 May, 2024 @ 12:28pm 
Yeah this mod broke a while ago, its a shame this was never updated as its the only true retractable landing gear (as in no hit box below the gear) to date.
TiGeR 9 Mar, 2024 @ 4:39am 
I also ran into two problems, the blocks don't accept paint skins and when I landed and pressed P my rotor engines went crazy and everything exploded spectacularly.
When I landed, I only had the modified landing gear. The game world save was corrupted, only removing the modifications from the world allowed me to load the save :)
It's a pity because this chassis looks really nice :)
Mabs 5 Nov, 2023 @ 5:03pm 
Space Engineers will fail to load worlds with no mods. If your game fails to load a save, quit to desktop, restart, and try again. It happens to me all the time.
miku567 5 Nov, 2023 @ 12:32pm 
Can you add a 3x2 and 3x3 sizes for large grids?
Oneveno 18 May, 2023 @ 8:15am 
Cool chassis but falling through textures :(
EdrickV 13 May, 2023 @ 11:40pm 
To easily find the log files, you can hit windows key+R to bring up a Run box, paste the following into it, and click OK:
Ren 13 May, 2023 @ 1:26pm 
@AutoMcDonough I tried looking for them but considering how poorly Space Engineers files are set up on PC, I couldn't find them.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 13 May, 2023 @ 5:15am 
I've not encountered this problem in my testing. do you have log files?
Ren 13 May, 2023 @ 3:27am 
So, with this mod, you will be unable to load the world that uses them back up again after closing it. Found out the hard way. Only workaround that I know of is to remove the mod from the world and restart SE. It's probably because I used a vanilla landing gear in addition to the pocket gear. Sucks that there isn't a 3 block wide version of the gear.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 5 May, 2023 @ 7:36am 
set up deploy/retract command via cockpit toolbar or button panel
PaladinDrake 3 May, 2023 @ 6:39am 
This might be a stupid question, and I've looked through the comments for a long time. But how do you actually deploy/retract the gears? I couldn't figure out if there was a key or toolbar command I wasn't seeing.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 4 Mar, 2023 @ 1:36pm 
worlds with no mods at all can fail to load. log files or bust.
Sensational Being 2 Mar, 2023 @ 8:45am 
This works online, but offline worlds with only this mod fail to load. I believe it is the gear that extends and retracts. I have been using the mag locks offline for over a year without issue (old mod copy). I have blueprints that use that block and I would like to share to the workshop, but I also wish for them to be available to people for offline use.

Would you please release an independent posting of the mag locks to see if that will work for offline people?
AutoMcDonough  [author] 17 Feb, 2023 @ 8:24am 
uh that's a new one. log file please if you can.
CaptPatrick01 16 Feb, 2023 @ 5:58pm 
When I have the landing gears deployed near a planet it keeps corrupting the savefile.
Mabs 27 Jan, 2023 @ 4:40am 
This is probably the best landing gear mod but I need a way to make them stronger for my absurdly large ships. 🥲
MedvePapus 24 Jan, 2023 @ 10:18am 
There's no such option I see. Could you insert a screenshot of it? My UI might be shtting itself, happened before with programmable block mostly.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 27 Nov, 2022 @ 11:13am 
just turn the rotor power down
MedvePapus 27 Nov, 2022 @ 11:08am 
I like this mod, really, but the "suspension" is so... Idk, it's so bouncy, I just want to land and lock all 3 or 4 landing gears but to do that, I must balance out the ship which usually works by just applying some downward force, but with this mod. An option to adjust the "bounciness" would be game-changing:steamhappy: for sure.
Spacemarine Achievments 27 Aug, 2022 @ 1:23am 
Understand, thanks! This chassis really help in some actions, i use them not only a usual landing gear, i use them as the retractable grabers.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 26 Aug, 2022 @ 3:43pm 
in survival you will still have to get out there with a welder and touch it up
Spacemarine Achievments 26 Aug, 2022 @ 11:13am 
In some situations when hinge was damaged and lost, i can add a new hinge from control panel. But the "place pad" button inactive. This happend not with all this blocks, but with some. it is a little bug or this is a game-engine issue?
Spacemarine Achievments 18 Aug, 2022 @ 10:03am 
I tested this block - he really working in actually game version. The only one trouble part here - the sloped block, where gear is hiding. This part not support the skins now. will it working if you taking the vanilla slope block with already associated skin-support and input a hole for gear in block-model? Or you can't join these different parts and must make this block as new part of this landing gear?
Spacemarine Achievments 17 Aug, 2022 @ 10:01am 
Thanks for answer! This mod is really unique! I do not know how difficult it is to make this update, but I thank you!
AutoMcDonough  [author] 16 Aug, 2022 @ 6:49pm 
it should still be working. I'll try to get it updated with teh skins soon. It is a lot of trouble because of how old the files are.
Spacemarine Achievments 16 Aug, 2022 @ 12:28pm 
Can you update that cool mod for compatible with skins and actual game version working?
Fenrir Gaming 14 Aug, 2022 @ 10:17pm 
I like this mod, but would love to see it updated.
Space Man 18 Jun, 2022 @ 9:30pm 
I have been having an issue with this mod interacting weirdly with the aerodynamics mod. When I open the landing gear there is less drag? I think the cause for this is that the model for the landing gear extends way longer than the collision or visual model of it. I think this because when I copy and paste the ship I have these landing gear on, the sub grid boxes are supper long and angle down when closed and become flat when open.
ExCaedibus 15 Jun, 2022 @ 11:26am 
@ninjawizard Yes, works perfectly fine. :) I am using it on a server.
ninjawizard 15 Jun, 2022 @ 1:14am 
this was what i was looking for! does it still work?
[ARMCO] Fyrebird721 28 May, 2022 @ 8:51am 
the issue for Sharkalone (FR), and several others, was a known issue, and was on *Steam's* side of things, so Keen didn't faff it up, for once
AutoMcDonough  [author] 22 May, 2022 @ 2:38pm 
I think something strange is going on with steam, seen this type of comment a few times now. And unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it.
Sharkalone (FR) 22 May, 2022 @ 9:13am 
That's weird, i have no problem to use this mod in an old save but i can't add it on anymore new game.

I have it on a couple of my previous sp saves (i started the last one early May) but now, when i try to add it on a new one, it doesn't show anymore in the mod list. If i go to the modlist of one of my previous saves, it's in the active list mods, i can still see it in the left list when i deactivate it but it disappears when i refresh it or change the sorting.
ExCaedibus 19 May, 2022 @ 7:45am 
Can anyone tell me please, how much weight each Landung gear can carry without getting pushed in much, for reference in 1g? Especially the large grid ones. That would really help me a lot, thank you!
condottiere 5 May, 2022 @ 2:10am 
Thanks @Sisk! I guess either my build or my mod list is interfering, then. I'll try it in a vanilla creative world, then go from there.
🅂🄸🅂🄺  [author] 5 May, 2022 @ 12:39am 
@condottiere deploy/retract is greyed out because the pad is missing. Do you have a place pad button in the terminal controls? When it is there try to klick the button and a pad should be placed. When it's not there somthing is wrong.

I tested it in my singleplayer an it should place a pad when the pocket gear is placed, so don't know what went wrong in your game. Maybe there is a interference in your build?
condottiere 4 May, 2022 @ 7:35pm 
Can someone talk me through this like I'm 6 years old? What am I doing wrong? I saw the 2018 setup discussion above. I added a pocket gear base to my ship. The pad did not get added, and I can't manually add one. In terminal, the button to deploy/retract is grayed out. In toolbar, there is no option to deploy or park with the pocket gear.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 26 Mar, 2022 @ 5:45am 
also some of the damage resistance and lifting ability
AutoMcDonough  [author] 26 Mar, 2022 @ 5:44am 
you can try it. What I would expect is all of the conveniences the script provides are gone, so you have have to operate them as normal rotors and manually place the pads on the feet.
BigCountryCornbread 25 Mar, 2022 @ 2:54pm 
I own a dedicated server that is cross-play. Would you allow me to test this mod on my server just to see if it even functions?
AutoMcDonough  [author] 25 Mar, 2022 @ 2:22pm 
I am unsure on the potential for it to be rewritten as entirely server-side, but if it is technically possible then it would need to be rewritten with that in mind, and I think we would need a new volunteer because SISK has been too busy IRL for modding.
BigCountryCornbread 25 Mar, 2022 @ 2:17pm 
Would it function on a dedicated server? Or is the script strictly client-side?
AutoMcDonough  [author] 25 Mar, 2022 @ 4:05am 
the script wouldn't work
BigCountryCornbread 24 Mar, 2022 @ 7:28pm 
Would it be possible for this to get a port over to for console?