Space Engineers

Space Engineers

[AutoMcD] Journeyman
AutoMcDonough  [author] Nov 21, 2017 @ 4:24pm 
Thanks :)
I had second thoughts on laser antenna, it draws way too much power for a little solar buoy to be feasible.
Kouzelny Nov 21, 2017 @ 12:08pm 
Sweet! I was hoping you would update your ships :D
AutoMcDonough  [author] Nov 20, 2017 @ 6:46pm 
AutoMcDonough  [author] Feb 3, 2017 @ 6:17pm 
Depends on your goals.. Nomad is a starter ship. Techniker I think is best for roaming around between asteroids for ore, processing, then building a large ship. But it's not planet capable. Sabrina is most efficient for exploring or if you want to use small ships for the mining and building. Journeyman smaller build but heavier use of hydrogen, a concern for survival.
Kouzelny Feb 3, 2017 @ 12:43pm 
Sounds good :) I tried turning off tool shake and changing the frame behind the thrusters to heavy armor but neither really helped. Eventually one gets stuck and blows the side of the miner out. I just stone eject at my base now. Your ships designs are great, but I can't decide for my survical build, journey, sabrina, or technika first once I get to space! LOL
AutoMcDonough  [author] Feb 3, 2017 @ 4:24am 
They must have changed the thruster hitbox or something. I'll have to update it when I get time..
Kouzelny Feb 2, 2017 @ 8:06pm 
Odd, did a creative mars easy start and as soon as I sucked in some stone the sides blew out.
AutoMcDonough  [author] Feb 2, 2017 @ 7:46pm 
I actually mined quite a bit with mud bee without that issue. :|
Kouzelny Feb 2, 2017 @ 1:19pm 
Just so you know, the MudBee commits suicide with ejectors on also, it shoots the stone into the thrusters and boom! :-)
AutoMcDonough  [author] Feb 1, 2017 @ 11:43am 
That's odd.. I'll have to look into it. I'll admit I didn't test it much, was a quick conversion from the mud bee. Stones must be getting stuck in it somehow..
Kouzelny Feb 1, 2017 @ 8:23am 
Well then I won't mess with things. I'm loving this ship and the small ships in your collection. The only thing I've really noticed is that the SpaceBee seems to be made of Explodium if you leave the stone ejectors on. They tend to blow it up if used as you mine. Hanz and the Mini are sweet!
AutoMcDonough  [author] Feb 1, 2017 @ 4:25am 
Thanks. :)
Yes, the dev branch currently has things upside down.. they told us to leave things, they will fix them.
Kouzelny Jan 31, 2017 @ 10:44pm 
This may be because I am on the devel branch, but all the corner LCD panels are upside down? Great looking ship!
AutoMcDonough  [author] Jan 28, 2017 @ 10:38am 
another update, just tweaking minor miner issues. :)
AutoMcDonough  [author] Jan 28, 2017 @ 9:21am 
Updated. As of now, air-tight in "Stable" version. Tweaked a few bleep bloops as well..
Hentai Connoisseur Jan 27, 2017 @ 8:17pm 
@AutoMcDonough If you could post an update when/if you fix the ship, i'm sure a lot of people, me included, would be appreciative.
Hentai Connoisseur Jan 27, 2017 @ 12:55pm 
Sure, it gives people something to do, kinda like a "Easy start" sorta thing.
AutoMcDonough  [author] Jan 27, 2017 @ 5:03am 
Should I keep the small ships included?
AutoMcDonough  [author] Jan 27, 2017 @ 5:02am 
I'll have to modify it a little. Just gotta swap the O2 gen with an assembler and get the timer blocks covered, not too bad. Should be able to get to it this weekend.
Hentai Connoisseur Jan 26, 2017 @ 11:20pm 
Did the changes you were looking for roll out, or are you going to have to modify the ship?
AutoMcDonough  [author] Jan 23, 2017 @ 10:58am 
Looks like contest gets judged in "stable". If they don't roll changes in this Thursday I'll fix it somehow..
AutoMcDonough  [author] Jan 23, 2017 @ 5:13am 
Yes, in dev version the timer blocks, merge blocks, and oxygen generator are now air-tight. The hangar vent is hiding in the "mechanic pit"
CarbonCopy Jan 22, 2017 @ 9:51pm 
I'm not sure if it is because you built it in dev, but I couldn't get any part of the ship to pressurize, and there was no air vent in the hangar?