Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Lagless Drills (OBSOLETE)
DanP  [developer] 29 Apr, 2015 @ 8:05am
Bug Reports & Weirdness
Please post any bugs or weirdness you encounter in connection to the mod.

Outsanding issues:
* Multiple reports - 4 starting asteroids cannot be mined
* Multiple reports - overlapping asteroids cannot be mined
* One report - mod not loading when running Space Engineers on Linux using Wine
* One report - small drills not working when a certain ship is loaded
* Two reports - verified - ore spawns too close to drills, sometimes causing them to explode
* One report - very rarely ore spawns at NaN distance causing lag until ore is removed

Definitely fixed:
* In multiplayer / DS, drills collect more ore depending on how many players are online
* Extremely high numbers of small drills collect far too much ore compared to vanilla
* Drills not drilling smoothly unless drilling at the perfect angle
* Drilling area too cubic
Last edited by DanP; 16 May, 2015 @ 3:04pm
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
tweeve 1 May, 2015 @ 7:40pm 
So on my large ship 9 drill ship the drills seem to be working fine. The hand Drill also seems to work fine.
My issue is when I use my small ship 6 drill ship. The drills spin but do not chew into the asteroid.
DanP  [developer] 1 May, 2015 @ 7:49pm 
Hi tweeve, I just sent you a friend request so we can talk. I just verified that small drills in general are working with the mod, so I would like to get a blueprint of the ship you're having trouble with and/or a copy of the SpaceEngineers.log file for the session. Also, what's your operating system (windows/version, or linux, etc)?

I know it probably is not the problem, but have you tried restarting Space Engineers? I released a couple new versions tonight, and I want to make sure you have the latest so I know I'm looking into and testing the right code.

Just in case you don't know where to find the SpaceEngineers.log file:
* Browse to %appdata%
* From there, Roaming/SpaceEngineers/SpaceEngineers.log

This appears to have been caused by a mix of the mod's different shape and alignment of drill target areas, combined with a recent attempt to return to Vanilla target range offset. Certain angles were harder to mine than others, and apparently, in some cases it was even impossible. Returning the offset back to yesterday's setting appears to have resolved the issue.

The user reports the bug is back, but it only occurs when a specific ship is loaded into the world. He has sent me a save to examine.
Last edited by DanP; 2 May, 2015 @ 7:58am
k03lbch3 3 May, 2015 @ 10:11am 
the laag reducing fact works absolutley fine!
But since we use the mod on the server, every time I drill, a lot of drills just explode.
I'm using a Ship with ca. 140 large drills and it seems at some point, stone or ore is spawning between the drills.
Maybe someone else experiencing this "bug"?
DanP  [developer] 3 May, 2015 @ 4:24pm 
I can see how this would happen, and I'll have a look at fixing it. Thank you for reporting.
Phamin 5 May, 2015 @ 3:18am 
I've also had this issue. Built up a new 15x15 grid of drills and went out to test it out. Two small test drills went fine, then went for a bore whole and 1/3 of my ship exploded. Part of this is my fault, part from something with the drills. My best guess is at least one of the drills hit a material it couldn't mine, blew up, then that material pushed through the conveyor layer, into my storage can full of ore, which then shotgunned the interior of my ship. We run the Better Stone mod, and it appears some of the material just can't be mined by this drill mod.
TheRealJostapo 5 May, 2015 @ 6:45am 
Everything working fine our end, except aft first we thought the mod 'stopped working' after a time, with ships unable to mine any longer (they'd thrust up against the voxels, but the mod wouldn't consume them).

I checked the logs and they we empty. No exceptions.

So we tried a few different asteroids and think we figured it out. We believe that overllaping asteroids are unminable with this mod.

The story when we first uncovered the issue was we had a survival DS with showers on. We _think_ the showers deformed a larger asteroid into merging/touching with a mini asteroid. While it was possible to mine neighboring asteroids.

We are in the process of building a new world, procedural/infinite mixed with hand place dwarf moons (SE Toolbox). If two of these dwarf moons touch, neither of them will be minable.


DanP  [developer] 5 May, 2015 @ 6:58am 
When the asteroids touch, is it the entirety of both asteroids that cannot be mined, or only the portions that overlap?
Last edited by DanP; 5 May, 2015 @ 6:58am
Phamin 5 May, 2015 @ 1:36pm 
The asteroids I was mining didn't appear to be overlapping with another one, but hard to tell without opening the game file in SEToolbox. Some asteroids we could mine, the one I was mining worked for about 20m, then I hit a spot that wasn't being mined. Again, we use the Better Stone mod, which might be creating issues of its own with this drill mod. Mostly Better Ore just adds in more types on "stone" with new names and ore type, but they are still based on the 15 stone types Keen put in the game for the most part.
Sakata 8 May, 2015 @ 5:38am 
Hey there. One odd thing I've noticed is that the mod seems to make the drills/roids 'rubbery'. Best description I can think of -- basically I'm using a mining bot (small ship, its the GPS autominer), and it works great, but occasionally there is an issue where the bot is flung backwards fairly hard - does the same with manual mining as well, so not limited to bots.

Also, occasionally its like the drills just... stop working at all until a restart is done, or requires stopping and restarting the drills multiple times to get them to start working again.
Admittedly my computer plays SE fairly laggy without the mod, and this mod is a lifesaver :D So it might just be that my computer sucks and the mods' code is getting in a bad state.

Seems that the issue with the drills stopping seems to be realted to the whole invisible wall thing I had with stock SE - sometimes the drills will be on, and I'm thrusting forward into an invisible 'something', and turning the drills off and back on seems to clear out whatever is 'there'

seems to occur more frequently near the edges of asterdoids. almost never occurs once a decent ways into the rock.
Last edited by Sakata; 8 May, 2015 @ 5:48am
DanP  [developer] 8 May, 2015 @ 5:57am 
Do you get any chat messages when the drills stop? It is designed to catch errors and chat the coords giving it trouble. It sounds like a bounding issue... like maybe it's trying to modify outside of the asteroid's data grid. I'm just surprised it wouldn't chat about it.
Sakata 8 May, 2015 @ 8:15pm 
haven't recieved any chat messages thusfar. Another interesting thing that I noticed is that maybe the graphics and physics are not tied together. There was a huge amount of difference in what was on screen and what was happening in the game when I did somethign 'different'. I put the drills so that on every timer run (it ran many times a second) it would turn off the drills, the script would then turn them back on. It wasn't elegant or pretty but it did work even if in a REALLY wierd way. It would mine out the chunks in front of the ship and some 'above' it, but the bottom was not fully mined out. And here is where it gets odd -- the ship and I could pass through the 'bottom' parts... like they were already mined out even though graphically they were still there.

Best thing I could say to test with is get the bot "GPS autominer" and in the timer block that runs the script "Hrv4PB-Nav" move the program block over one, put a drill toggle (stop didn't seem to work) in front of the program, and watch it for a few. I could upload the test world if needed, but it might be more to do with my CPU only being a dual core e8200 trying to run a game that should probably be on an i5 at minimum :D
TheRealJostapo 9 May, 2015 @ 4:54am 
Hi Dan.

In the case of placed asteroids, if they are overllaping neither can be mined. Further more, graphically the asteroids were not touching, but the bounding box's for the asteroid's must have been.

Same save, edit with toolbox, move the asteroids away from each other, and voila; they are minable with nothing more than a coordinate change.


PS> When this happens, the mod doesn't stop entirely. You can mine non-overlaping asteroids just fine.
DanP  [developer] 9 May, 2015 @ 7:53am 
Work has been pretty crazy over the past week, so I haven't had much energy for more programming at home. I will definitely look into it, though.
Sakata 9 May, 2015 @ 7:30pm 
If you need to verify results that I'm getting, when you get time, i could try and record a video and/or upload the world file. Just ask if you need anything.
Last edited by Sakata; 9 May, 2015 @ 7:30pm
TheRealJostapo 9 May, 2015 @ 10:34pm 
No rush Dan. I'm a developer also so I know how it goes. Just thought you'd want to know if you get back to it.
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