七龙珠 电光炸裂!ZERO

七龙珠 电光炸裂!ZERO

Current player count does not matter nearly as much as you think (and how it's perfectly normal)
Look I know doom posting's kinda in right now and it definitely does suck that the player base has shrunk like it has, but as of the time of writing Sparking Zero's at around 1800 players. Sure it's nowhere near it's 122K peak but that's expected with a majority of anime games.

In comparison, Xenoverse 2 is at 706 players right now (with a 19K peak). I'll link both of their steamdb pages so you can compare yourself at any given moment.

Xenoverse 2

Sparking! Zero

Just to show that it is, in fact, an all around anime-game thing, here's a few other anime games, focusing solely on their most recently released games per franchise.

One Piece Bounty Rush

Naruto to Boruto : Shinobi Strikers (and Storm Connections


My Hero Ultra Rumble

Anime games do NOT do well long term. That said, Sparking Zero has had the highest peak of all of these more recently released games. It's a niche market, one that can't compete with others very well. By comparison, here's the steamdb's of other, non-anime related games. Note how all of these, even while doing better, still have a massive drop in players since their release.

Stalker 2 : Heart of Cheronobyl (Single player story-driven survival game, had the same initial peak as SZ just about)

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lethal Company

Apex Legends

Grand Theft Auto V

Dipping into the indie scene...
Yes I fully acknowledge that ULTRAKILL has not had nearly as high of a peak as SZ, it's average player count since it's last major update is still higher.

Now lets look at some that aren't doing so hot or hadn't had as impressive of a start.

Call of Duty : Black Ops Cold War, 2019 Modern Warfare, ECT
(if CALL OF DUTY isn't getting good numbers you should know player counts don't mean a damn thing)


Have to clarify for this next one, for some reason Steam DB has a general "call of duty" chart, which covers each major CoD since Warzone, so treat this as a super inflated number of CoD as a whole.

Ready or Not

Hell even Valve's games don't have nearly as high of numbers as they did before and they made steam.

Left 4 Dead 2

Team Fortress 2

I'd link Counter Strike 2 but that game's almost always has over half a million players. Counter Strike in general is their one consistent money maker, as even the OG CS from 2000 still gets over 6k at any given time. In fact, I'll link that instead. Insane ♥♥♥♥.

Don't get me wrong, this game has kinda fallen off for me too, I don't play it as much as I did when it came out, but at the end of the day the game is not dead. Is it dying? Yeah, maybe, but all anime games do. As for Xenoverse 2, it gets spikes of players around content updates. So will Sparking Zero. So will every other anime game. This game, as with Xenoverse 2, will only be "dead" when the devs stop publishing updates.

Anyways go play Ultrakill a sale's coming next week (AT THE TIME OF POSTING).
最后由 Zelancholy 编辑于; 2 月 20 日 下午 5:45
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Joker 2 月 20 日 下午 4:02 
Might wanna fix the formatting. Also a bit irrelevant fun fact but tf2's true player number has only really been revealed since June or which month it was last year when they started banning sniper bots en masse. Before that, it had been about 7-8 years since we saw its true playercount.
Zelancholy 2 月 20 日 下午 5:44 
引用自 Joker
Might wanna fix the formatting. Also a bit irrelevant fun fact but tf2's true player number has only really been revealed since June or which month it was last year when they started banning sniper bots en masse. Before that, it had been about 7-8 years since we saw its true playercount.
i've tried... several times... god I hated it.
Zelancholy 2 月 20 日 下午 5:46 
引用自 Zelancholy
引用自 Joker
Might wanna fix the formatting. Also a bit irrelevant fun fact but tf2's true player number has only really been revealed since June or which month it was last year when they started banning sniper bots en masse. Before that, it had been about 7-8 years since we saw its true playercount.
i've tried... several times... god I hated it.
...nevermind, forgot a /
Wipkonijntje 2 月 21 日 上午 2:41 
do keep in mind that all games u listed have big issue with eather cheating and premade abuse wich is the main reason the playerbase left the game.
KnucklesX2 2 月 21 日 上午 4:17 
Niche games don't sell 5 million copies in like 5 months and 3 million of that in 24 hours. This is a very weak excuse. You're comparing years old games to a 2024 fall release.

The game has no content and the online sucked, that is why everyone quit. Every other argument or justification is cope really. Xenoverse and even storm connection both had a higher retention rate, look for yourself.




Demon slayer

Sparking Zero CLEARLY performed below average when it comes to retention even when you limit it to Anime games. Look at how Tekken 8 has done same year.

Zoulman.$$$ 2 月 21 日 上午 9:43 
normal to have 1500 People when the game sold 100000 + op is blind btw
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