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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,195.0 hrs on record (1,509.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Jul, 2022 @ 8:48am
Updated: 20 Nov, 2022 @ 6:28pm

So now that I have a few hours of game, I think I can say what I thought.
The game itself is quite fun and challenging, forcing the player to challenge their own limits as the difficulty of the songs increases.
The graphics are very beautiful and the videos are very well-made, enough to keep me entertained every time I leave them in "Custom Playlist" mode while doing other things on the computer.
The game's mod community has also been very active since shortly after its release. The Vip version has 250 playable tracks and this can be extended to approximately 400 tracks with the use of mods like "F2nd Song Pack" and "Project Hoshikuzu+ Song Pack" among many others, not counting the mods that add even more clothing modules to the Vocaloids.
One thing I noticed is that many people were having some performance issues because of Denuvo, in my case it was rare the times the gameplay was affected by this reason, so I'll put that topic aside for now.

Anyway, like the others in the series "Project Diva" this made me very pleased and I'm sure it will still keep me busy for many and many hours since I have to complete the rest of my collection of screenshots of it lmao.

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