Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Super Civs - Doctor Doom
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3.900 MB
2015년 10월 27일 오후 4시 26분
2016년 10월 11일 오후 2시 34분
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Super Civs - Doctor Doom

luei333님의 1 모음집
Super Civs
아이템 48개
This mod adds the Latverian Empire as a civilization, lead by Doctor Doom. Requires BNW and G&K.

UA: Doomworld
Farms can be built on tundra tiles. Snow tiles yield +2 Science. Universities increase the yield of snow and tundra tiles by +1 Science. Can create half as many Trade Routes as usual. Start with an enhanced Settler.
UU: Doombot
Unique unit of the Latverian Empire. Replaces both the Tank and Modern Armor, and upgrades to Giant Death Robot. Unlocked after discovering Computers. Uses 1 Aluminum. In addition to the abilities of the Tank, has 110 Combat Strength, 5 Movement, and gains Hovering.
UB: Castle Doom
Latverian Empire unique replacement for the Castle. Grants 8 Strength and 30 HP, and +15% Growth for the City. The City must have Walls.

Version History:
v4 - Probably a couple small changes/fixes. Added a standalone Religions mod, and updated some existing civs' religious preferences.
v3 - Granted a huge boost to the starting settler, as he was having issues not spawning in or around Tundra, which meant his Capital lost a lot of power. Added support for a number of popular mods. Keep in mind, I've never played with any of them, so let me know if there are any bugs related to them, or if certain leader behaviors are inappropriate. Also let me know what other mods you'd like support for.
v2 - Enlarged alpha and flag icons. Removed the dependency on BNW and G+K. Fair warning, most of these still need one or both of them, but I don't have the time or will to test any of that, so use at your own risk/discretion.
v1 - The very first release! Yay!

This mod is just one of many mods based on superheroes and villains from both the Marvel and DC universes. Check out the packs this mod is included in:
Super Civs - Complete Pack
Super Civs - Marvel Pack
Super Civs - Marvel Villains Pack

Support provided for: Civ 4 Traits; JFD's User Settings, Civilopedia, CiD, Cultural Diversity, ExCE, Mercenaries, and RtP; R.E.D.; Map Labels
All of my mods should be perfectly compatible with other mods. Let me know if there are any conflicts.

All images are taken from official Marvel materials, such as comics, video games, movies, or promotional materials. I do not own any of the art in this mod or any others. If you know an artist that made some of the art that I didn't credit, please notify me!

Huge thanks to:
Marvel Comics Database
Civilization Fanatics (and countless members who provided tutorial materials and informational materials)
Civilization Wiki
And thanks to you for playing my mod!
댓글 12
Stachman 2024년 7월 8일 오후 4시 34분 
MF doom
Tiger Knight 2016년 8월 7일 오후 12시 03분 
I hope when Civ 6 does drop, you will be adding in these mods again. I just recently discovered them and they breathed new life into the game for me. I'll still be playing them as $60 is a bit price-y to me right now anyway.
luei333  [작성자] 2016년 8월 4일 오전 2시 45분 
@Tiger Knight, I'm very much aware of the tundra thing, that's why he now has an nhanced settler, but even that doesn't guarantee a start anywhere near tundra, and that is extremely annoying. Short of an almost complete redesign, there's not an easy way to fix it, far as I know. And a lot of the original group of civs could use a bit of a redesign to get more Lua-based abilities, now that I know how to make them, but with Civ 6 right around the corner, I can't see it being super worth putting the time in to change them so drastically.

Thanks for checking them out, though!
Tiger Knight 2016년 8월 4일 오전 1시 02분 
If you don't start near a tundra or snow area, his ability is useless. Worse, it hinders him more than helps. The snow thing just does not balance his loss of the trade routes.

I also think Doom could have walked away with the ability to go through other territories like you gave your other civ (Diplomatic Immunity).

All and all a great Mod but still needs something. imo

luei333  [작성자] 2016년 7월 29일 오후 12시 37분 
@Red, yes, as much as it needs it, but for the most part I'm probably done with the ones I've released. I'm making new civs to go with them, and I think I've pretty much made all of the changes to the existing ones I'm going to. Unless there's some sort of compatability or bug or balance changes, this mod is complete.
たけぞう 2016년 7월 29일 오전 7시 20분 
You still updating this mod? Im loving it so far.
Agneroth 2016년 3월 29일 오후 2시 50분 
Yea It doesn't start on tundra or snow for me either.
luei333  [작성자] 2015년 12월 6일 오후 1시 14분 
Well, yeah, they are a tall-building civ. They get plenty of bonuses to growth, meaning that they can work all the snow tiles and specialists that don't give any growth much better than other civs. Building wide wouldn't benefit them much, since a lot of those cities wouldn't get their unique science bonuses, and wouldn't offset the science penalty.

And yes, you're not wrong, Latveria in the comics has plenty of forests and foliage sometimes, but from a design standpoint, Doom is the only one in my mods with ties to Tundra and Snow, and enforcing those ties encourages his isolationist attitude.
Silverfishv9 2015년 12월 6일 오전 11시 34분 
Still, I'd thnk latveria a more tall building civ, it's quite tiny in the comics, and in a temperate region (though it snows there, many places that recieve snow are given different tiles on the map to represent the summer more than the winter). Just my thoughts though
luei333  [작성자] 2015년 12월 6일 오전 4시 20분 
Were I you, I would use the trade routes to go between your own cities, further adding to the UU's growth bonus, or boosting your production when needed.