Galactic Contention # - Angry Tendrils - LIVE
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Update: 2 Jul, 2023 @ 2:37pm

__Galactic Contention - v5.0 Patch__

*11.5 GB*
*July 2, 2023*

## Bug Fixes:
* Fixed DC15/LE sight offset
* TX-130 top turret controls un-inverted
* Removed random specs from clone NV HUD overlay
* Fixed the bolt rifle of Tuskens not being zeroed
* Fixed LAAT/C not having engine sound
* Fixed HMP/C engine audio
* Fixed faction role limits
* Removed whispering effect from residual layers

## General Gameplay:
* Squad leaders now require at least one (1) squadmate in order to place a rally
* Hypersonic projectile fixed
* Removed TOW smoke from first person due to smoke making it nearly unusable depending on pure luck
* Phase 1 ARF Troopers updated (reflects latest <#559431582147149873>)
* Mines now functional for DEV vehicles
* B2 health pool reduced to 600
* Magna Guard & Clone Commando no longer have det-packs
* Magna Guard invisibility altered to now have an added haze effect, embers from the spine up, and a new dimmed color (grey, was blue)
* Magna Guard have 5 smoke grenades (was 2)
* Added bacta (GAR), oil (CIS), and melon (Tusken) medic bags:
* Clones & Gungans - 6 pack bacta drop
* Droids - 6 pack oil drop
* Tuskens - 6 slice melon drop

## Vehicles:
* DEV vehicles are now live
* Moved LAAT pilot camera to provide better vision of cockpit
* Added blue TX-130 for 501st
* Removed UH60 LAAT
* Driver cam FOV 120 > 90
* Main gun recoil animation
* Driver cam rotation limits increased
* Gunner cam moved closer to barrel
* Ammo rack implemented
* New gunner HUD
* SAT now holds 10 passengers (counter to AT-TE)
* SAT ammo rack causes death on detonation
* Uses AT-TE cannon to fix splash damage
* Functions as a longer range fire support vehicle, with much higher sabot damage/splash
* Rate of fire increased to 6 seconds
* *Note: Will likely need adjusting after seeing what happens in live, it is intended to be extremely terrifying.*
* AT-XT collision fixed to properly replicate server-side
* Moved LAAT/C copilot back into copilot seat
* Dev HMP
* General fixes
* Added rocket trail
* Rockets now come from correct position
* Gunner damage reduced/armor piercing reduced to 20mm (from 35mm)
* Dev LAAT
* Ball gun damage increased
* Moved pilot camera closer to original position
* Added rocket trail to Dev LAAT

## Maps:
### Sesid
* INV V2 capture point fix
* Rock Fixes
* RVT (Runtime Virtual Textures) setup
* Map depth fixed in the middle of the map
* Side infantry elevator up to cargo pad now
* Water depth tweaks
* New minimap
* Elevator kill-boxes fixed
* Elevator button prompt bugfix
### Sesid Equator
* New minimap
* Intensive optimization
* New foliage
* New POIs
* Overhaul of existing POIs and mains
* Began adding ambient noises
* Additional lanes/flanks
* New layers:
* GC_Sesid_Equator_RINV_V1
* GC_Sesid_Equator_RINV_V2 (now includes unique faction setup for vehicles)
* GC_Sesid_Equator_RINV_V3
241st tonk and Droid Mech factions with altered vic loadouts.
### Venator
* Venator interior prefab culling fix
* Rear door positioning fix
* Now using 501st Phase 1
### Naboo
* Naboo map offset fix
* Deletion of Naboo TC
* Naboo lighting issue on Early morning LL fixed
* Fixed Naboo AAS_V1 / INV_V1
* Navmesh regenerated (fix for AI)
### Felucia
* Small edits
* Fixed landscape texture that caused areas to not look as intended
* New GLOPs layer
### Rhenvar
* Removed large caves from middle of map
* New POIs in between objectives
* Revisions to existing POIs
* Terrain edits on existing points/POIs
* Edits/details added to existing points/POIs
* New Rhen Var Minimap
* New Rhen Var layers:
* GC_RhenVar_INV_V2
* GC_RhenVar_INV_V2_N
* GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V3
* GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V3_N
* GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V4 (w/ carriers)
* GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V4_N
* Removed Rhenvar_Dev layers (all variants)

Part 2:

## Optimization:
* Geonosis small edit & emitter optimization
* Kavado HLOD setup
* Sesid HLODs WIP
* Morak optimization related to imposter LOD screen sizing
* General optimization pass on Morak Legacy & Morak2
* Renaming of all old vehicle baseline to "_OLD" to prepare to the new vehicle waves
* Data tables entries updated with the new BP update name
* Skirmish is now SKM
* N is now Night
* Admin menu update due to renaming of old vehicle names
* SL naming convention for BX commando applied
* SL naming convention for Gungans applied
* SL naming convention for Tactical Droid
* Admin menu output log "set size" spam fixed
* Reduced distance at which certain buildings were emitting light for better performance
* Deletion of TC layers on Sullust and Coruscant
* Removal of pre-placed emplacement on maps
* Removal of all _DEV layers (now standard)
* Removal of Space Fallujah
* Removal of Space Clakdor
* Removal of Bespin Cloud City (Bespin Platforms aka skirmish layers till exist)
* Removal of Cato Nemoidia V1 & V2
* Removal of Warfare system (corresponding layers removed (4))


New server configuration -> https://github.com/Buff-oG/Galactic-Contention-Server-Template

Update: 2 Jul, 2023 @ 1:47am

Revert update temporarily. 5.0 still broken

Update: 1 Jul, 2023 @ 6:51pm

test. Still have errors.

Update: 30 Apr, 2023 @ 12:06pm

__**Galactic Contention - 4.4.x Hotfix**__
*April 30th* - # 3GB

> - Blaster bolt sizes & illumination adjusted
> - Explosive damage inner radius 50cm to 10cm. *Note from a fried developer brain: (For murka imperial unit.... uh I would say less than a foot long at subway)*
> - Explosive damage outer radius 400cm (4m) to 80cm. *Another note: (Huhh... almost the half the wingspan of a bird eagle)*

> - NVGs fixed
> - DC-15s ADS adjustment
> - DC-17M 3rd person animations adjusted
> - Fixed DC17M magazine display when reloading
> - RPS-6 rocket count reduced. Was 3, now 2
> - Fixed RPS-6 doing excessive damage to vehicles/emplacements
> - P3 Shadow Trooper fixed
> - Water Stamina Increased
> - Moving through water speed increased
> - Breathing SFX reduced
> - Breathing effect on droids removed.

> - Emplacement damage rate fixed
> - AA nerf splash radius on air vehicles
> - AA projectile for N99, TX-130 and AAs will still keep their AOE since they are more static vehicles and/or emplacements
> - AA Turret gets correct spaced blaster bolt particles
> - Mortar camera fixed

> - Camera lag fixed for Y-Wing & Tri-Fighter
> - Fixed Space Ural not both supplies. Was seen as transport, now a logistics vehicle again
> - LAAT + HMP no longer have aa guns on pilot seat + 1 less LAT rocket
> - Rotated smoke launcher for vehicles
> Dev AT-TE
> - Re-centered smoke launcher angle
> - Added textures for interior
> - Added LAAT/C ball turrets back
> - Fixed LAAT/C map icon
> - Fixed LAAT/C pickup animations
> Dev LAAT
> - Rockets adjusted to reflect dev HMP changes
> - Lasers moved to wings like dev HMP
> - Fixed camera

> Sesid
> - General tweaks
> - Sesid RINV map border
> - Sesid INV defender tickets adjusted
> - Fixed lacking collision on bridge
> - RINV layer created
> - Added rock to fix glitched radio spot
> - 212th Phase 2 added to Sesid INV 2
> - Sesid INV 1 & 2 capture points edited to incorporate sandy hills
> - Infantry elevator killbox lowered to prevent deaths when going up
> Geonosis
> - Unified all rock and spire meshes
> - Un-instanced old manual instance clusters to better improve map performance
> - Tweaked landscape textures to be more consistent
> - Fixed CIS logi spawning
> Bespin
> - All light layers have been switched over to the new cloud based one
> Rhen Var
> - Snow trails have been disabled
> - Edits to ice tunnels
> Venator
> - Adjusted layer names
> - Added pain volume below map
> - Fixed INV_SKM capture zones
> Kavado
> - Removed lightning SFX until audio clipping is resolved
> Galban
> - AAS V1 REB has a new foggy lighting layer instead of the Halloween one
> Tatooine
> - INVV_V1 changed to sunset from night time
> Naboo Plains
> - Fixed aircraft spawns; added repair pads back
> Sullust
> - Rock patching

Update: 23 Apr, 2023 @ 12:56pm

4.4 - LIVE

__**Galactic Contention - v4.4 Patch Notes**__

*Update size: 25GB to 33GB.*

_**Bug Fixes:**_

> - Added Clone Rebellion related markers to map marker system
> - Dev TX130 top turret - fixed inverted controls
> - AV6 Firing 50. cal fix
> - Fixed yellow laser sabot
> - Fixed Sesid Equator doors inside the Clone hangar facility
> - Sandcrawler Mesh fix; under compartment unable to build radio at the tip of it causing soldier to be unable to undig the radio. Also fixed 2 missing walls in the sand crawler front bay allowing people on the sand crawler to shoot through the walls.
> - AA map marker fix


> - New Phase 3 layers


> - Back in rotation. Two versions, one in rotation with another in overhaul.

> - No top of ship buildables.
> - New Phase 3 layer


> - No deploy zone added to the Sullust Droid Ship.

> - New Acclamator Models
> - Rework for flying Acclamator point
> - Edits to supply staging area point
> - Tweaks to main protections
> - Redone minimap
> - General terrain edits/improvements
> - Sesid: New water system. Sandy Beach landscape addition.

> - Spawn issue fixed

> - Tatooine minimap fix + markers

*Sesid 2 Equator:*
> - Objective 1 fixes

*Morak 2:*
> - Morak flattening/roads/etc. pass 2, more to come
> - Mesh fixes
> - Venator prefab-interior meshes and lighting culls
> - Venator open hangar tangent fixes, should look correct now
> - Morak RINV cap zone adjustments
> - Morak2 minimap
> - LOD fixes on many objects
> - Venator main hangar fixes

*Bespin Platforms:*
> - New lighting layer with volumetric cloud coverage

*Rhen Var:*
> - New light layers

*Venator Interior:*
> - New layer added. Invasion skirmish!



> - New RPS6 animations
> - Lowered recoil of DC-17 TG-Operated
> - SE-14 ammo count decreased (was 35 now 24 - 8 bursts of 3)
> - Z6 bipod height increased
> - DC15A Lite + E5CR Lite recoil changed; was 84% less than DC-15S/E5, now the same
> - Re-adjustement of the recoil to the DC-15S and reduced it by 40% only for the LITE versions also drop from 6 / 5 mags to 4
> - New rally models
> - New P3 Clones

> - Dev N99 logi pushed back on to dev layers
> - Dev LAAT, HMP, V-Wing, Tri-Fighter armor set to be 2 mm, small arms damage mult set to 0.1
> - Dev N99 turn speed increased
> - Dev SAT/AT-TE cannon splash fixed
> - DEV LAAT Side Ball Turret firing sound fixed w/ FX


> - Added map markers for Crab and RC AI
> - New Acclamator hallway door
> - Green Orbital Barrage instead of red for GE clones
> - Encapsulated the repair stations with a box collider that only collides with vehicles; hopefully this will stop aircraft from getting stuck in repair stations
> - AV6 now actually takes HAT damage
> - Rifle muzzle flash reduced to not be so blinding
> - Blaster bolts size and brightness reduced
> - New Bleeding and Incap SFX
> - Bunker buildable now has camo netting
> - Snow Droid team added
> - 241st Legion added to some Sesid layers
> - Phase 3 Clones added for Imperial Clones
> - Imperial Clones vs Clone Rebellion on Galban and Kavado (4 layers)
> - Updated clone HUD (Shift + F7)
> - P3 Shadow Trooper w/ updated Shadow DC-15s
> - April 1st Teams added on Geonosis_INV1_APR_1st
> - Clone and Droid Rally Handheld is no longer Vanilla army backpack
> - Explosion FX for Grenade Launcher projectile hitting player
> - Explosions apply impulse force on characters
> - Kashyyyk back in rotation


> - QoL edits for button prompts
> - Elevator system tweaks and changes
> - Possible fix to more desync issues
> - Admin menu actions

__**Known Bugs/Issues**__
> - ARC SL carries US rally point instead of Clone Backpack
> - Flashlights locked vertically
> - DC-15LE slightly off angle
> - Kavado lighting audio clips thunder SFX
> - Geonosis_INV_V3 N99 Logi spawns out of place
> - Rhen Var buildings - some appear too shiny
> - Vehicle smoke launchers shoot at 45 degree offset to vehicle orientation
> - MBT sabot projectiles have extensive shockwaves when particles set to High - Cinematic
> - MBT sabot splash has chance to go through shield generators
> - UT-AT anti-infantry laser parallax offset
> - LAAT/C audio bug & gunner seat missing
> - Dev TX-130 third/top gunner seat inverted controls
> - Dev AAT parallax of anti-infantry lasers is offset, fires down-right
> - SAT rear anti-infantry lasers broken
> - SAT anti-aircraft guns do not fire when looking at side
> - AV-6 camera out of position (optic still functional)
> - Mortar camera broken
> - Ammo boxes may show incorrect primary weapon on role radial
> - Tusken playermodel on various turrets misbehaving
> - Cato Acclamator doors too smaller
> - Night vision non-functional
> - Projectile impacts are... a *little* high


For server configuration with new layer and level rotation --> https://github.com/Buff-oG/GC-Server-Conf-Template

Update: 22 Apr, 2023 @ 1:25pm

4.4 release

Update: 18 Jan, 2023 @ 1:16pm

Galactic Contention 4.1.3:


- (NEW) Droids have their own looking *Repair bag / Medic bag*. Beep Boop Beep.
- Magnaguard colored cloaked is 50% less visible. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED!
- Projectile + Heat issue on Tusken Wasp AAT fixed.
- Fixed automated doors in Acclamators and Venator kill box.
- Sarim Tuskens UI role kit image showing as LAT has been repaired to proper roles. Fixed.
- ARC 170 shouldnt spawn inside of acclamator floor anymore for Sesid
- Organized team related spawners/etc on Sesid to be slightly more sane
- Moved clone team spawn points/ammo crates to not be stuck inside Acclamator, should avoid people spawning in the floor/not having ammo crate access in air main
- INF Lasers from ATTE + AAT cannons doing dmg to vehicles. Inf bullets no longer dmg vehicles except air vehicles at a very low rate.
- Explosive Stick/Pyro Denton dmg reduced by 17%.
- Fix of certain tusken projectiles floating still after a certain distance. Fixed.

- Mod size reduction
- Mod optimization on textures


- Rhen Var: crashed Venator non-solid floor. Fixed
- Geonosis: Collision missing on terrain. Fixed
- Geonosis: Renamed the Invasion capture zone to match the location of the objective.
- Naboo_INV_V1 no barrier on whole East side on map. Fixed. Extend map landscape and map will be extended for February.
- Sullust: Sci-Fi building collision missing C5-9-8. Fixed
- Kavado_INV_V3: Floating trees. Fixed
- Coruscant Invasion performance issue due to aircraft spawning inside repair pads. Fixed the spawner and added a second ramp for the first ship invasion.
- Miniosis_AAS_V1 floating repair crates at Clone main. Fixed
- Geonosis Insurgency has caches too close to clone main. Fixed. 8 caches suppressions were done near the area.
- Morak Legacy cannot lean in multiples areas. Fixed.
- Tatooine_Skirmish_V2 clone logis do not spawn. Fixed
- Tatooine landscape physmat missing. Fixed
- Physmat issues on the Tatooine buildings. Fixed
- Morak2 pass on flattening and optimization.
- New Morak2 minimap
- Swapped vehicle repair stations inside of hangars on Sesid for the invisible repair stations, hopefully will avoid crashing due to vehicles getting stuck inside
- Sesid AAS V3 Point layout altered, ground vehicle spawns fixed/moved
- Sesid AAS V2 Golf point shows up as Golf now ingame instead of a second Foxtrot
- Sesid AAS V2 vehicle spawns fixed, droid team vics weren't spawning correctly apparently
- Sesid INV V1 Vehicle spawners fixed
- Kavado Acclamator invisible wall has been added. (You should not be able to get in the acclamator)
- Sesid Equator balance changes to map and first two sets of cap zones in RINV.

**Dev vehicles:**

- Carrier aircraft polish
- Dev at-te interior re-added
- Dev at-te driver cam stablized
- Tx-130 guns yaw limits reduced (to prevent clipping)
- Disabled new skin system
- Added seat protection to ATXT
- Added seat protection to y-wing
- SAT Armor mesh fixed

Update: 21 Dec, 2022 @ 8:09pm

Ai Hotfix.

Update: 20 Dec, 2022 @ 4:37pm

Galactic Contention 4.1.0

4.1 update to double validate if cross modding issue could be fixed. This update also aims for the stability of the mod during Christmas times.

**Warning being subscribed to MEE while playing Galactic Contention, the player will appear as a Russian Soldier and his teamates as well. Hopefully this update should fix this**



- New Galactic Contention Easter Egg. You must find it in one of your map! (Dev level does not count)

- New octogonal crates

- Rock collision issues on Galban and Sesid are fixed.

- Sullust, small terrain edits
- Sullust, small optimization pass

- HAT, LAT rockets do impact FX on infantry
- Multiple vehicle anti-infantry rounds do impact FX on infantry

Update: 10 Dec, 2022 @ 3:01pm

4.0.2 Awaiting Hotfix