Galactic Contention # - Angry Tendrils - LIVE
Showing 1-10 of 87 entries
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Update: 28 Jan @ 10:13am


Update: 26 Jan @ 12:14pm


Update: 13 Jan @ 4:17pm


Update: 12 Jan @ 7:07am

Angry Tendrils Update.

Small Umbara release

Update: 14 Dec, 2024 @ 4:28pm

Festive Update.

Update: 9 Dec, 2024 @ 3:42pm

update 8.2

Update: 20 Oct, 2024 @ 9:36pm


Update: 19 Oct, 2024 @ 11:07pm

Update to steam

Update: 8 Sep, 2024 @ 2:14pm

8.1.2 Hotfix

Update: 3 Sep, 2024 @ 3:48pm

8.1.1 Release

# :GC: Galactic Contention - Major Update
## The Great Repair
* September 9th, 2024 - 10gb*

## __Major Changes at a Glance__
* All maps now have RINV and RAAS, except Mygeeto & Bespin
* Some sway and stamina adjustments; these will be closely monitored
* Extensive sound rework for weapons and vehicles
* General performance and optimization pass on maps and infantry related components

# Infantry
## __General:__
* C4 reworked
* 1 C4 will now take a radio to 35%ish
* 1 C4 takes a bunker down a full build stage (Full health to partial build, partial build to stakes)
* 2 C4 will completely destroy a hesco wall and a HAB down one full build stage
* 2 C4 will take a bunker down to stakes
* 3 C4 will deal slightly more than 1/2 the health of a TX-130
* Reduced cost from 50 to 25 ammo to rearm
* Max amount carried is now 2
* Max placeable is 3
* 1 C4 will take a radio to 35%ish
* New sounds for:
* PLX Launcher
* E-60 Launcher
* RPS6 Launcher
* Landmines
* Engineer's C4
* Thermal detonators
* AT grenades
* PLX + E60 + RPS6 can shoot without needing to ADS, they can also lean
* Muzzle fire flash FX stick to barrel now instead of staying stationary when moving
* Crewman kits now require 2 player squads to unlock (same as vanilla conventional forces)
* Changes to weapon sway and handling
* All GC kits now utilize the same stamina amount to bring sway/handling closer together
* Reduced climbing stamina penalty
* Reduced prone stamina penalty
* Reduced sprint stamina penalty
* Increased stamina regen for crouch and prone respectively
* Commandos stamina regen downgraded slightly

### :clone: __Clones:__
* Readded Paratrooper medic to P2 Shock Troopers
* Fixed helmet color for P2 Shock Paratrooper medics
* Galactic Marines now have a DC-15A lite and a DC-15LE medic kit
* New Phase 3 models & textures
* Fixed Clone Rebellion 1P materials
* Fixed 41st Airborne Medic upper mesh material
* Added Phase 1 Rebellion SpecOps unit to Engineer role
* Fixed GE_P3 Crewman SL rally

### :droidgang: __Droids:__
* SE-14 Buffed to deal 30 damage

## __Other Factions:__
* Fixed cycler aiming for people who have ADS set to hold (instead of toggle)
* Fixed weapon ranging for various Tusken weapons
* Tusken Kord can now penetrate 50mm of armor
* Cycler MG3 no longer has giga blur on shooting

## :laat: Vehicles
* New sounds for:
* ARC-170 Engine
* V-Wing engine, lasers
* AT-TE Main Cannon
* HMP rockets
* LAAT rockets, AA lasers
* AT-TE coax, engine
* TX-60
* Vehicle smoke tweaks; detonates sooner, allowing for better coverage of vehicles
* Phase 3 battalions have a new corresponding LAAT & AT-TE
* Updated AT-TE wrecks
* Tusken WASP now utilizes AT quad setup (as long teased in #vip-spoilers)
* BARC speeder gun buff
* LAAT Ball Turrets slight increase to left & right pitch
* LAAT Co-Pilot slight increase to left/right & up/down pitch/yaw
* LAAT/LE now has 4 anti vehicle rockets (same stats as the fighters)
* Phase 3 LAAT/LE added
* Phase 3 LAAT/C added
* Tusken TOW AAT (Death Bringer)
* Improved functionality over before, still functioning like a laser guided missile while appearing to be wire guided
* No longer uses turret acceleration, allowing for easier aiming as the acceleration was obnoxious to work with
* Improved damage, allowing it to function more like a tank buster
* New wreck mesh
* Tusken AA AAT (Wasp)
* Turret redone
* Now rotates between barrels, with the new HUD accurately displaying this
* Now has rapid fire AA, with a 4 round burst AP round
* New wreck mesh
* Tusken Speeders now properly spawn from bike spawners
* Air vehicles now take a full damage from HEAT, rather than using a 0.8 modifier
* N99 combat now has the same armor as the TX-130
* N99 now no longer uses rotation acceleration
* Star Wars TOW now uses the same TOW missile system as the Tusken Death Bringer
* HMP Side Turret fixes
* Tweaks to AAT wreck textures

## :map: Maps
**General Changes**
* Minimap Updates:
* Tatooine
* Geonosis
* Naboo
* Sesid Equator
* Mechanized faction setups standardized
* Phase 3 now has 4 different faction setups, Combined Arms, Air Assault, Mechanized, and Carriers
* Mechanized + Air assault use the Phase 3 LAAT/LE
* New static MTT prop
* General Naboo terrain edits
* *About 130+ Umbara pushes... little treat for anyone reading the whole thing... progress!*

* Added GC_Sullust_RINV_V1
* GC_Sullust_RAAS_V1

* Map overhaul done
* Added GC_NabooPlains_RINV_V1
* Added GC_NabooPlains_RAAS_V1

* Added GC_Kashyyyk_RINV_V1

* Added GC_Geonosis_RINV_V1
* Added GC_Geonosis_RAAS_V1
* General Geonosis terrain edits

* Added GC_Coruscant_RINV_V1
* Added GC_Coruscant_RAAS_V1
* Added GC_Coruscant_RAAS_V1-R
* Added Coruscant_RAAS (Rebellion)

* Added GC_Galban_RINV_V1
* Added GC_Galban_RINV_V2
* Added GC_Galban_RINV_V3
* Added GC_Galban_RAAS_V1
* Scattered Galban mesh and landscape collision fixes
* New Phase 3 setups

* Added GC_Felucia_RAAS_V1
* Added GC_Felucia_RINV_V1
* Added GC_Felucia_RINV_V1-R
* Hilltops used to camp/cross map engage removed
* Several POIs added/edited
* Added back weather and time cycles
* Added staging zones for INV, RINV, RAAS

* Added GC_MorakCanyon_RINV_V1
* Added GC_MorakCanyon_RINV_V2
* Partial overhaul
* Fixed culling settings on Morak
* Updated roads
* New foliage setup

* Added GC_Kavado_RINV_V1
* Added GC_Kavado_RAAS_V1
* Added GC_Kavado_RAAS_V1-R
* Anti-get-stuck-trench system :tm:
* New bunkers
* 5 new mini POIs
* Additional overhaul & rework completed
* Clone main protection fixes

**Rhen Var**
* Harbor area completely overhauled
* Ice Station assets updated
* New micro terrain / cover & concealment additions
* New Insurgency cache locations based on terrain edits
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V5
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V6
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V7-R
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RINV_V8-R
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RAAS_V1-R
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RAAS_V2
* Added GC_Rhenvar_RAAS_V2-R
*(some of these will be removed coming update... we know it's a lot)*

* Added GC_Sesid_RAAS_V1
* Added GC_Sesid_RINV_V1
* Added a few islands
* Rework on RINV_V2 started

**Sesid Equator**
* New swimming mechanic
* Additional northern POIs
* Airfield updated
* Began terrain painting updates
* General Optimization
* Fixed Equator grass metalness
* RAAS_V1 now has lanes A through F
* Added trenches and other features to map center
* Added GC_SesidEquator_RINV_V4
* Added GC_SesidEquator_TRAAS_V1
* Added GC_SesidEquator_TRINV_V1
* Fixed POI name on RAAS
* New color-coded lights on Republic Base to help with interior navigation
* Lights added to High Temple POI to help with navigation

* Now uses 2 faction setups specifically for all normal layers (more logis, 1 skirmish gunship and 1 IFV)

* Added GC_Tatooine_RINV_V1
* Added GC_Tatooine_RAAS_V1
* GC_Tatooine_Training objects moved
* New Phase 3 setups

## :6hdF_shovel: Deployables
* Highwall/Bunker modifiers tweaked to be more resistent towards armor
* AV-6 update
* Reticle updated
* Turning is now acceleration based (like most vehicle turrets)
* Now has super rudimentary reload sound
* Fixed goofy collisions
* Fixed deploy animation not playing sometimes
* Fixed recoil animation
* Fixed camera not properly attaching sometimes
* Added sounds to AV6 entry animation
* Now only enterable by the ladder area
* 3D widget that shows you were you can get in (same as the one on the ammobox)
* Attempting to range the AV6 (X+Scroll) changes the color of the reticle
* Added turning sound to AV6
* Added a flax round
* Stronghold now has proper placement limit (no longer breaks when bunkers are placed)
* Performance optimization on shields
* New sounds for EWEB

Cross-voip is still not working yet.

For more information, join the discord for the full changelog